La Diada: Our first “castell” is here!

As it’s starting to become a tradition, the Casal Català de NSW organised an excellent Diada to celebrate our National Day so far from home. This year we met again in the Royal Botanical Gardens, one of the best locations in our city.

After facing cold and rain during our winter rehearsals in Hyde Park, it was a great surprise to see that the weather was (finally!) going to be nice with us and we would be able to perform. And that was something that we had been looking for over the last couple of months, because we wanted to try our first 4-level tower.

We started the performance with a pilar de 3, which was followed by our main goal for the day, the 3 de 4.5 (or 3 of 5 with “aconxaneta”?). Unfortunately, we had to go down on our first attempt, since the second level was a bit too closed. But we made it on our second go! As you can see in the video, it was shaky and certainly not the nicest tower ever… but what a great background we had for our first 4-level tower, right? We finished the performance with 2 pilars de 3.

We would like to thank everyone who made this performance possible. Without your help, we couldn’t have done it. We are so motivated right now… and we’ll definitely push to our next step. The 5 levels are getting closer!

Thanks Robert for such a nice video ! (castells from minute 6:10)

Castells: 1 p3, 3d5 (aconxaneta), 2 p3