La Castanyada: hitting the 5th level on new shirts

Today we have so many good news!

To start with, we could wear our official shirts for the first time, which came directly from Catalonia (getting shirts to Oz is already an Odyssey worth telling, but we’ll do it another day). We have decided to wear yellow (groc terrós) shirts, since “gold” is of the 2 national colours in Australia (together with green) and none of the international colles had it. It looks great on us, right? Admittedly, we had some issues with the kids’ size, but we’ll fix this “little problem” as soon as possible.

And we can also proudly say that our effort finally gave its results and we had major achievements today. But let’s start from the beginning. Since the founding of the colla, Castellers de Sydney and the Casal Català de NSW have had a very close relationship. La Castanyada was not going to be an exception, and Castellers de Sydney happily participated in the event organized by the Casal Català at Centennial Park.

We decided to start with the pilar de 4. A combination of 3 experienced castellers in the tronc and a little but very brave enxaneta resulted in a very steady pilar de 4, our first “official” pilar ever. Encouraged by this success, the whole colla was ready to face the new challenge. With the assistance of many friends at the pinya, we attempted the 5th level for the first time. Our last rehearsals paid off, the tower was significantly better than in September and the canalla did a great job, so we can proudly say that we did our first 3 de 5. We ended our performance with our usual pilar de 3. Congratulations colla! That was an excellent performance!

Thanks Paula for such a nice video of our performance!

Castells: p4, 3d5, p3