La Castanyada: our newbies are great

And here we are again! La Castanyada is another big day for Castellers de Sydney and it is always a pleasure to take part of the annual event organized by the Casal Català of NSW. We were very enthusiastic about this performance and we had been training intensively to repeat the 4d6 of the Diada, as well as to attempt for the first time the 4of6 with the pillar. The rehearsals looked very promising, so we were very positive on our way to Centennial park.

Unfortunately, the little turnout of people helping at the pinya, resulted in a quick change of plans and it happened to be very positive to try new people at different positions. We still started with a 3d6, which started to close at the terços level too early, resulting in a successfully dismantled tower. We decided to regain confidence with a 4d5 with a needle, which turned out to be the quickest one so far. Our canalla is becoming really good: a big clap to Elsa, Ainhoa and Gemma! Then it was time to show all the potential and hard work of our dear newbies, and we decided to continue the performance with a 3d5, where 5 of the people in the tronc performed for their first time. If the 4d5p was fast, this one was even faster! Very soon the worried look on the newbies’ faces before climbing became a huge smile… and for a good reason! They should be very proud of themselves because they did an excellent job! But let’s not forget our pinya, those castellers who are always there and today, more than ever, made this nice performance possible. Finally, we completed the performance with 3 pillars (two p3 and one p4)… and, of course, we baptised the newbies. Because it’s a tradition… and because it was super hot!

Big congratulations to the colla for such a nice day, as well as a huge thanks to everybody who came and helped us. And obviously to Casal Català for letting us perform in their event!

Castells: 3d6(id), 4d5a, 3d5, 3d6(id), 2p3+1p4